Tuesday 29 January 2008

Managing your Energy

A change is as good as a rest yet it’s not the best।

For people to remain productive & effective it is necessary for them to take a break, have a change of scenery, so to say.

Staffs engaged in mentally taxing jobs and Chief Executives whose roles are multi faceted, with multiple outputs & competing objective, who constantly working from a hot platform; it is important that these people engage in transformational activities outside of work to relaxes, refreshes, reenergises & regenerates their energy.

There are 4 energy points that we need to relax, refresh, reenergise & regenerate; our Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Energy; addressing and touching base with these 4 energy points will ensure that we remain productive & effective for longer, as well as maintaining our internal harmony.

Strategies for Managing your Energy

Long walks
Mountaineering (for those that can)
Demanding physical exercise that drains you
Afterwards sit for 15 – 20 minutes doing nothing (meditative)
Eat right (a snack bar for lunch and 1½ hours of exercise is not good for you)

Read – non work related materials
Learning something new, i.e. Language, Craft, Music, Musical Instrument, or Dance
Moving Zen i.e. Tai Chi, a Martial Kata/Form
Travel and tour a new country or part of a country
Very productive if you do a lot of business trips

External Peer-to-Peer (P2P) dialogues
Do something fun that will bring about laughter
Coaching and/or Mentoring by a credible and respected Guru

Coach someone that’s down on their luck to get back on their feet
Hands on Charity work i.e. distribute food to the homeless; spend some time with people in Hospices

To get the best out of these activities, it is important that we don’t take a transactional approach to them; you see, what most people do once they finish work, is, they either drive (straight away dealing with the stress of coping with bad driver and the traffic) or tube it (dealing with the stress of the underground rush hour (not the film)) to their workout session; after their workout session it’s back on the road or tube to their family or loved one, to be drained some more.

These people have done their step class, aerobics, martial arts, spin, however for some reason they don’t feel relaxed, refreshed, reenergised, or regenerated.

Why? Because their mental as well as emotional minds has not benefited from these activities, your energy management activities must be transformational not transactional, running around from one point to another like a hamster on a wheel.

You can not role out of work and role into your car or tube cart, role out from there and into your workout session, as one continuous stream of events and expect to feel relaxed, refreshed, reenergised & regenerated.

If your session lasts an hour (as most do) you would have finished the session before your mind has fully let go of your work mental state, the emotional pull and push of building, maintaining & sustaining power relationship, and the stress of travelling before it can involve itself in the process of rejuvenation.

It generally takes about 20 – 40 minutes for the brain to relieve itself, so to engage in transformational energy management activities, you ought to dedicate more that an hour to it, 3 or more hours is ideal; if you can’t take 3 hours from your normal working day, then your energy management day should be on the weekend or your day off.

Tips फॉर मनागिंग your Energy

  1. After work before leaving read a light novel for at least 20 minutes

  2. If you finish work at 17.30, don’t rush to attend the 18.15 spin class, go to the 19.00 or 19.30 class

  3. Arrive 30 minutes early for your class and wait, by being in the environment your mind readies itself for the task at hand

  4. Don’t read self-help books as part of your energy management activities, they’ll only cause you anxiety as you start to compare your weakness with the strengths that the Author is pushing

  5. Choose a Coach or Mentor that walks their talk

  6. Perform one small act of random kindness each day (could be as small as letting another car in front of you during rush hour traffic)

  7. If your going to have a working lunch, make sure that it is in a quality restaurant – repeated lunch in front of your workstation is not good for you)
